Glafia: The Predators
Interview with Mees Baaijen
Nov 23, 2024
Paul Cudenec (interview), author of The Rothschilds, said this about Mees Baaijen’s book The Predators versus The People:
Meeuwis Baaijen’s The Predators really is essential reading for anyone (and this should mean everyone!) who wants to understand the world we live in. The breadth of his take is staggering, his clarity is refreshing and his determination to take his analysis right through to its logical conclusion is laudable… And this framework of understanding can be the basis of a new movement of international resistance that will go beyond merely identifying the criminocrats and aim to bring their odious rule to an end.
I’m reminded of what Greenwood said in 180 Degrees:
Being Jewish doesn't automatically make you a Zionist (and vice-versa, you can be a fully fledged Zionist and not be Jewish). Being a Zionist doesn't make you a sociopath. Being a sociopath, doesn't make you a paedophile. Being a paedophile doesn't make you a Satanist. Being a Satanist doesn't make you evil (but in this last case it might be difficult to find anyone that isn't). Being all of the above combined - well historically there was a name for that - Sabbatean-Frankist.
Baaijen adds to that in his book by saying:
There's also Fritz Stern's Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichröder, and the Building of the German Empire (1979), which mentions that Bleichröder became a major target of antisemitic propaganda, a symbol of Jewish financial domination and the "Jewish international plot”. As explained on these pages, I agree with "The Plot", but not with "Jewish". That's because of the absolute and deadly contempt the Glafia core has shown for the common Jews, as explained in B14, B15 and B16, as well as other suspicious events, such as the banning of Jews from Spain and Portugal in 1492; the financing of false Messiah Sabbatai Zevi who almost brought down Judaism in the 17th century; the recent, hasty Covid jabbing of Israel's common people, and so on.
I recommend both Mees’s substack and his book.
With thanks to Mees Baaijen.
1. What inspired you to begin investigating global power structures, and how has your understanding evolved during this journey?
Like many people, I was triggered by 9/11, but that happened more than 10 years after the event. I then found out that the world wars and most of the revolutions are also lies. And that the Enlightenment was in fact an Endarkenment, in other words, that a spiritual war is waged on humanity: all this to get complete control of the world, by a small group of ultra-rich dynastic families who want to own our God-given planet as their private enterprise (Farm Earth), with us as their fully dependent cattle.
2. You've lived in different parts of the world. How has this international perspective influenced your analysis of global systems?
Yes, I had the privilege to work and live for almost 50 years under different cultures, in Peru, Portugal, Mozambique, Costa Rica, and Holland too. I understood that corporations were stronger than countries, and that there was corruption everywhere. Yet until I made the dive into this rabbit hole about 12 years ago, I had not the slightest idea or suspicion that one small group had been the driving force of almost all major global events in the last 500 years.
3. In your work, you present the “Predator Theory of History" as an alternative to conventional historical narratives. Could you explain this concept and why you believe it offers a more accurate framework?
The most common official explanation for world history is the RANDOM theory: by coincidence, some people are more advanced, some countries have better resources, etc. Marx was very influential with his CLASS STRUGGLE theory: an open struggle between capitalist industrialists and the workers. My PREDATOR theory is about the hidden and secret war of a small criminal and genocidal group, against the rest of humanity. More than 100 years ago, the famous Lord Acton wrote: “The issue which has swept down the centuries, and which will have to be fought sooner or later, is the people versus the banks.”
4. You introduce the term "Glafia" to describe a hidden global network of power. What led you to identify this structure, and how would you describe its core characteristics?
We need new words to describe our monstruous reality: the problem is not an “elite”, it’s a Global Mafia, or Glafia. This group is not bound to any country, religion, race or ethnicity (see my last article). Yet, to get the collaboration of an important proxy, the “elite” Jews, many of them pretend to be Jews. But after the Second World war, Rabbi Shonfeld wrote: "the Zionist wolf was appointed by beasts of prey [Jewish bankers] to serve as shepherd for a flock of [Jewish] sheep".
5. Your work suggests that much of modern history has been shaped by "protection rackets." Could you elaborate on this concept and provide some key historical examples?
A protection racket is an ancient Mafia trick to rob, damage or even kill people: the Mafia first creates a bogeyman which causes severe problems and fear, and then that same Mafia offers protection to the victims. Some examples are Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, CO2, Covid, and Putin. The USA and the UK, both Glafia’s proxies and even more Fascist then Hitler, first created Hitler and Nazism, and then conquered him to become the greatest liberators in history, serenaded ever since! Because Glafia captured the media and the historians long ago, the general public still knows nothing about these tremendous lies.
6. How has the relationship between banking systems and state power evolved over the centuries, and why is this relationship crucial to understanding current global dynamics?
The aristocracy of the Middle Ages could not pool their capital, because most was real estate. But the upcoming merchants could, because their capital, obtained in the international “rich trade”, was mobile. Not by coincidence (the role of the popes) nation states were popping up in Europe. By corrupting or blackmailing the governments of these new “sovereign” states with their capital injections, Glafia managed to use them as their proxies, also via our still existing usurious and private banking system (which emits money as interest paying debts, as a constant drain of a country’s wealth). With their capital they also financed these new nations to carry out special and very costly operations which would have been impossible under conditions of organic growth, like colonization, wars and revolutions (the Glorious, the American, the French, the Russian and Chinese communist revolutions, and many more). Glafia also organized financial crises to attain their goals. They also bought the press and the educational system, so their project could stay hidden. Today all national and international governments and their institutions and NGOs are captured, with Covid as proof of the pudding.
7. You describe a current transition from Western to Eastern global dominance. How does this fit into your broader historical analysis?
From the very start, Glafia set up hegemonic states, to control the other states. Catholic Spain was their first hegemon, but it was not usury and Jew friendly, so it was abandoned as leader state. Not by coincidence, the next hegemons were usury and Jew friendly, now Protestant states: Holland (17th century), England (18th and 19th century) and the United States (20th century). The “autumn” of the US started already in 1971, while China was already being built up by Glafia. The outcome of the war in Ukraine will definitely show who the “new boss” is.
8. What role do you see Russia and China playing in what you call the "multipolar trap"?
The hegemony is now changing from the West to the East, but the controllers are unchanged: as is now in plain sight, BRICS will not do anything to undermine the global domination project. The myth used by the US and the West to create havoc and chaos was “freedom and democracy”: the myth used by China and its assistant Russia is now “traditional values and respect for sovereignty”. But no country in the world is sovereign: they’re all captured.
9. You write extensively about the "Global Digital Prison." What are its key components, and how do you see it developing?
Apart from its hegemonic shift from the West to the East, Glafia’s 21st century End Game program comprises a Global Digital Prison. It’s a technological control system – over sixty years in preparation, see Brzezinski’s 1970 book Between Two Ages, It will substitute the system of mind control and “manufacturing of consent” that until recently worked pretty well. The internet, computers and cell phones on which we are now so dependent are essential building blocks for our Prison, as are digital ID, CBDC, UBI and 5/6G. In the interim, internet censorship will be increased further (much of its content has already been destroyed): the velvet glove will be pulled from the iron fist. And if we don’t wake up and resist, our human freedom and future will be seriously menaced.
10. Your work discusses COVID-19 as a protection racket. Could you explain this perspective and its broader implications for future global governance?
I see 9/11 as the overture of Glafia’s End Game, and Covid as a test case operation to measure our resistance. I don’t think that they are very happy with the result. Many control groups of unvaccinated people survive, and the truth about the “safeness and effectivity “of the jabs will inevitably come out. The Covid operation was indeed set up as a classical protection racket, see above. It was in fact a double racket: fearmongering with the virus to introduce digital ID’s, and then killing and maiming millions through the “protective” measure: the mRNA jabs.
11. What do you see as the most effective forms of resistance to the centralization of power you describe?
If not more people are becoming aware, only a few people will resist, and nothing will change for the better! So it is essential that we increase awareness. But that’s not easy, as Joost Meerloo, a Dutch psychiatrist, wrote in Rape of the Mind (1956): "Any delusion can be instilled... Delusions, carefully implanted, are difficult to correct."
The Rape of the Mind - Lies are Unbekoming
12. You emphasize the importance of understanding "the essence of life." How does this understanding relate to resisting global control systems?
Apart from bold violence, the last 500 years have seen a spiritual and a religious war against humanity, in which Glafia used materialist science as an important weapon (the primordial soup, Darwin’s evolution theory, and more). While there is now solid mathematical proof for Design and a Creator, most people still think that the universe and life created itself through random and purposeless interactions between matter. Many are convinced that we have no free will, because we are just “meat robots”. Or in Harari’s terms, “hackable animals” which can be improved through genetic editing and fusion with electronic gadgets (IV’s Industrial Revolution), making “natural” humans obsolete.
Fortunately, there is now a spiritual and sometimes a religious revival, especially among people who discovered how we have been lied to for centuries. After reconnecting with “The Source”, many have found incredible strength. Of course, that movement has also been infiltrated, so be aware of New Age stuff or gatekeepers under a religious banner like, a (too) professional site with good information, only to lead you astray in the end (to Trump and Qanon).
13. Based on your research, what key developments do you anticipate in the next decade regarding global power structures?
If awareness and resistance do not grow, our future is grim:
The Americans and NATO will suffer a humiliating blow in the Ukraine, from which they will never recover. What all Western leaders already know since years – Glafia’s decision to end the hegemony of the West, to go to China – will soon become a fait accompli. However, the same Predators and their same domination project will continue and expand.
The overhaul of the control system, from mind control to technological control, will make many proxies of the system superfluous. That applies to people (the always disposable “useful idiots”) and also to countries. E.g., North Korea and Israel played a role under the American hegemony but will probably be dissolved under Chinese world leadership.
With the Global Digital Prison, all countries will come under the most totalitarian system ever, where dissenters are quickly neutralized.
14. How do you see the role of nation-states evolving in the coming years?
Over the long course of Glafia’s project, all nation-states have been captured. As said, that also comprises countries like Iran, Russia and China, each with a specific role in this project: behind the global chessboard sits only one player. Without a global upheaval, the fake democracies of the nation states will be eroded further. See for example what the WHO is trying to do.
15. What has been the most challenging aspect of presenting these alternative historical perspectives to a broader audience?
As a researcher, I had to go through half a million pages, resulting in 5000 pages of notes. As a writer, the principal challenge was to present this Big Picture of world history in a well-readable, not extremely thick book (under 350 pages). As a book promotor I found out that a considerable segment of the alternative media is not willing to discuss their own “official narrative”.
16. What projects are you currently working on, and how can interested readers stay connected with your research and future work?
Before the end of the year, I hope to bring out a printed version of the English edition. I have added four articles on the history of the USA, Russia, China and Jewry on my substack, and hope to add more on South Africa, India, Brazil, etc.
Unfortunately, my final goal to create educational modules with the help of teachers and historians has not come closer yet. If you want to prevent that our youth and adults are further intoxicated with blatant lies about science and history, please contact me!
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Spot on Mees. Thanks for sharing. KUDOS! - Kman, editor, DIGILEAK WORLD
Thank you for your nice words!
The social engineering to control the narrative is indeed Black Magic, people behave as hypnotized, see Joost Meerloo's The rape of the mind, easy to find as free pdf.