The project for world domination is not Jewish – nor is it American!
By Mees Baaijen, September 2024, 5000 words
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DeepThought commented this on the following article:
This is by far one of the most comprehensive and comprehensible analysis of the root causes of all the madness shaping the present day that I have ever read in a Substack post. Thank you Mees Baaijen, for this "history lesson," which I can only hope will be read and shared by far more people than has been the case so far.
The project for world domination is not Jewish – nor is it American!
Image from by Ilan Pappé
During their 500-year project for world domination, the Global Mafia (or Glafia) has captured all nations, via local “elites” (scum is a better word). These “elites”, of all cultures, colors, religions and ethnicities have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for well rewarded roles as “traitors within the gates”, disposable partners in this global crime project.
Yet Jews have been heavily over-represented, both as Glafia’s leaders and as proxies. Meanwhile, the so-called Jewish leaders of this project have duped the common Jewish people time and again, causing them great suffering. On several occasions, they even turned them into “sacrificial lambs”. These phenomena, and their origin which goes back well over 2000 years, are discussed.
Presently, the Western-led phase of the global control project (where Glafia’s successive hegemons were Spain, Holland, Britain and the USA) is being ended: for purely opportunistic reasons, the Global Mafia is now going ahead with its first Asian cycle, under the shiny but fake “multipolar” brand, led by its newly created proxies, China and Russia.
The end of Glafia’s confidence game with the West is shattering the latter’s wealth, dreams and culture, leaving it in progressive disarray and demolition. A similar fate awaits the Israeli state and Zionism, once essential Glafia proxies, which will be of little use in the new Asian cycle. They will most likely be phased out, probably resulting in another sacrifice of Jewish lambs. Again, the tears for the victims shed by the leaders will be for public consumption only.
As substantiated in my book The Predators versus The People and in recent articles on my Substack, a Global Mafia (Glafia) of a few extremely rich dynasties lead a 500-year-old project that strives for world domination. The researcher of the largely hidden history of the Glafia project soon becomes baffled by the extreme over-representation of Jews. To such a degree that some even conclude that the project is Jewish. That’s quite understandable, as many eminent Jewish leaders, like Nahum Goldman, Rabbi Schneerson (Chabad), Menachim Begin and David Ben-Gurion, have said so.
The origins of these phenomena go back 3000 years. We all learned in school about the ancient Babylonian, Greek, Roman and Mongol empires, which were based on overt military conquest. Yet few have heard of the more covertly operating Phoenician empire, based on capital and trade, which was started more than 3000 years ago. The seafaring Phoenicians (initially the inhabitants of the city-states Tyrus, Byblos and Sidon, in present-day Lebanon) were very successful in the “rich trade” between Asia, the Mediterranean and Europe.
Through this rich trade, the Phoenicians (also called Canaanites) accumulated large capitals, which enabled them to colonize numerous areas on the coasts and isles of the Mediterranean Sea, including Carthage and Cadiz. They also traded and settled in England, Ireland, Northern Germany and Scandinavia. According to Michael Hudson, it was the Phoenicians who introduced Babylon's usurious banking in Europe (a key element in the later Glafia project), but the periodic debt cancelations got lost in the transfer, and social problems arose.
Besides, there’s evidence that the Phoenicians were important ancestors of the Venetian and European aristocracy, or “black nobility”, later often acting as Glafia proxies or even as leaders. The British and Scandinavian use of the coronation stone (in 2023, King Charles III had one under his ceremonial chair in Westminster Abbey) and all those royal and papal purple robes come from Phoenician traditions.
Only recently has Phoenicia’s great importance for our present Western “civilization” been recognized, see John C. Scott The Phoenicians and the Formation of the Western World:
"Well before classical Greece and Rome, there arose [around 1200 BC] macro-trends associated with Phoenicia: globalization, capitalism, and multinational corporations...
Larry Neal ... cites the primacy of Phoenicia’s market-driven capitalism and long-distance trade reaching the Atlantic...
These trends originated in Mesopotamia, yet it was the commercial [and financial] activities of the Phoenicians that laid the economic and cultural bases of the Western world."
The relatively sophisticated Phoenician sea empire with its reliance on capital, trade and coastal city-states was interrupted by the arrival of the more primitive Roman land empire, which relied heavily on traditional tools like military force, annexation of territories and slavery. After the fall of the West Roman empire, the Venetians, and later also the Genoese, re-implemented “Phoenician style” Mediterranean/Black Sea empires and international trading. About 500 years ago, they joined with rich Jews banned from Spain to start the Glafia project, based on a fusion of their joint capital with the upcoming nation-states of Europe.
In turn, these new, fake-sovereign European nations (with their false mythologies, like democracy, freedom, or fraternité) colonized the third world (“the low hanging fruit”) on behalf of, and financed by, Glafia’s bankers. In the 20th century, Glafia’s UK, US and Jewish proxies completed the colonization of the world, by bringing down the 13 empires of Eurasia (“the high hanging fruit”). For this purpose, they instigated and financed the World Wars and the Communist revolutions, including the setup of Lenin, Trotsky and Hitler (as substantiated by Antony Sutton, Carroll Quigley, Docherty & Macgregor, Guido Preparata and others).
Glafia’s most incredible feat ever is that it managed to get its US/UK proxies out of this Great Slaughter of Eurasia (with over 200 million deaths) as “our greatest liberators ever”, and its Zionist proxies as “the greatest victims ever”.
The Phoenicians and their cousins, the Jews
During the first millennium of the Phoenician empire, it was almost impossible to distinguish between Phoenicians and Jews, as they shared the same language, script (our modern alphabet is based on a Phoenician invention), culture, religion (Baal worship, bull symbolism, and yes, also child sacrifice) and Canaanite/Semitic ethnicity.
But around 270 BC that would change, according to research by Russell Gmirkin on the "invention" of the Jewish nation (in his book Plato and the Hebrew Bible):
"It is in the Great Library of Alexandria that the Jewish authors [not Moses], assembled under royal sponsorship [by King Ptolemy II], drew from their sources and drafted the Pentateuch [or Hebrew Bible, Torah] ... The theocracy established in Judea [southern Phoenicia] ... is modeled on Plato’s model government."
That model included Plato's Cave: his advice for creating a new nation was that a myth – a gripping foundation story to forge a powerful sense of national identity - had to be composed to give its new laws an air of great antiquity and divine origin. The Jews’ ancestors, it must be instilled into the commoners, had always kept these laws (essential to prevent assimilation by other groups), a notion that continues into our times. Note that by now, all countries have a mythology which hides their role in the Glafia project. For the West it was “freedom and democracy”, for the East it's now “respect for sovereignty and traditional values”.
The big question is WHY the “people of the Book” were invented and brought under the delusion of Jewish supremacy, as the only chosen people of the jealous god Yahweh, to rule the world someday by conquest and deceit, from Jerusalem: "Thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee" (Deuteronomy 15:6). Two centuries before, a large group of Jews had been taken to Babylon, which had a highly developed usurious banking system, where many Jews became prosperous. Was this meant as a course in banking? The Jewish Virtual Library comments:
“After the Exile [which ended in 538 BC], commerce and credit certainly had a place in Eretz Israel ... Jerusalem had a number of wealthy families ... who speculated and deposited their gains in the Temple, which had in some ways the function of a national bank”.
And nearby Alexandria in Egypt, where the “synthetic” Bible was written, was a center of trade between the Mediterranean, Arabian and Asian world, with many Jews – and also Phoenicians - engaged in it, as well as in moneylending. Did these bankers use Plato’s model to weaponize a large group of Jewish people for their purposes? There's another coincidence: the Punic wars between Rome and Carthage (a Phoenician offshoot) started in 264 BC, a few years after the Bible project. That ultimately led to the total destruction of Carthage, then one of the biggest and richest cities in the world, in 146 BC.
Were the "people of the Book" created to help weakening the Roman Empire, so the Phoenician city-state model of empire – which the Romans had interrupted - could be revived again? Indeed, the Jewish-Roman wars between 66 and 135 AC were a series of large-scale revolts by the Jews of the Eastern Mediterranean against the Roman Empire. Besides, the role of the Jews in the Roman Empire as traders and notorious troublemakers is well known.
During the last 500 years (coinciding with the Glafia project), the Jews specialized more and more in usurious banking (the system we still have and a key tool in Glafia’s project), while the Phoenicians lived on in the European aristocracy, often financed by Jewish bankers. The conclusion that Jews and Phoenicians worked, for more than two millennia, hand in glove in these projects doesn’t seem far-fetched.
How the common Jews paid the price
The so-called Jewish leaders of Glafia’s global domination project have duped the common Jewish people time and again, causing them great suffering. On several occasions, they even turned them into “sacrificial lambs”. Some of the most significant examples are given below.
1) The post-Roman period: Judaism as a totalitarian scheme
In his explosive book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, Jewish scholar and survivor of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Israel Shahak, describes classical Judaism as a totalitarian scheme to benefit a few very wealthy Jews. Roughly from the second century until the eighteenth, Jews were under the heel of their rabbis and wealthy leaders. They lived in “a closed society… one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind.”
Judaism was enforced by physical coercion, and also by creating ghettos: "Sometimes a pogrom would do the trick." Rabbinical courts ordered fines, flogging, imprisonment and even death for Jews breaking any of the hundreds of Talmudic laws governing every aspect of daily life. Two examples from Spain in Shahak’s book:
“Jewish women who cohabited with Gentiles had their noses cut off by rabbis … In religious disputes, those considered heretics had their tongues cut out.”
One wonders why (Jewish) author Hanna Arendt, famous for her analysis of totalitarianism, never mentioned these worrying aspects of Jewish history.
2) Expulsions of Jews
Shahak also exposes the pernicious attitudes and practices against non-Jews enshrined in Talmudic and Rabbinical laws. He provides many supremacist quotes, such as "The entire creation exists only for the sake of the Jews", by the famous Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Chabad Lubavitch). According to Shahak, elite Jews often had a symbiotic relationship with the governing class (often with Phoenician origins - MB). The Jews would “administer the oppression of the masses”, for example by tax farming, to collect the money which the ruler owed them, and by Jewish monopolies on usurious credit and alcohol.
In return, the governing class would protect the Jewish leaders and force ordinary Jews to obey them. Shahak observes how this regime has been reinstalled in Israel, which uses the IDF (Israeli army) and religious Jews against the Palestinians. The symbiotic relationship of the Jews with the governing class often caused suffering of the common people, resulting in enmity, not caused by racial differences, but by Jewish misconduct. Frequently, the final result was expulsion, the list is long, see Wiki.
However, Shlomo Sand, in his book The Invention of the Jewish People, claims that the expulsion from Palestine of the Jews in 70 AC by the Roman Empire - the alleged start of the diaspora - is a myth with a complete lack of historical evidence. There are many reasons to believe that the Jews had been cosmopolitan far before this date, probably in the tracks or ships of their also cosmopolitan cousins, the Phoenicians. The first community of Jews in India (named Cochin) arrived as early as the 10th century BC (C.G. Kaufman). Already in the 6th century BC, Jews were settling in Spain, which would become “the unquestioned leader of world Jewry” - until their banning in 1492, see below.
Sand, a professor of history at Tel Aviv University, criticizes the Zionists for spreading the myth that the Jewish People are an ancient race. He states that the Muslims and Christians of Israel/Palestine are closer genetic descendants of the original Jews than the Ashkenazim (East European Jews), a majority in Israel, who probably descend from the non-Semitic Khazarian people who long ago converted to Judaism (in the 8th century, in what is now Ukraine). Many Zionist founders and historians have asserted much the same. For more details, see Beware Mythistory.
The biggest expulsion (before Hitler came into power) took place in 1492, from Spain (and four years later also from Portugal). The banning of the large and prosperous Jewish community (the Sephardim) from Iberia was too good to be true for Genoese bankers, who controlled most of its finances: it liberated them from competition with the Jewish bankers (in the 16th century, the Genoese banking cartel got hold of one third of the gigantic quantities of silver which Spain imported from its American colonies). On the other hand, the Jews were needed in Glafia’s future projects in Holland and England, and in the new colonies these countries would make. Had the Genoese bankers influenced the Inquisition in Spain? They certainly had the motive, means and opportunity.
More suspicious bans of Jews followed in 1550, from Venice and Genoa, but also from the prosperous and beautiful city of Antwerp. Many settled in upcoming Amsterdam, which at that time was just being prepared to become Glafia’s next and second – this time Protestant - hegemon, after Glafia sidelined Spain. Note that Glafia supported Protestantism, to weaken the anti-usury Catholic Church. The role of Britain as third – and also Protestant - hegemon was already planned in the early 16th century. Finally, around 1650, Oliver Cromwell (a Protestant) was bribed to let the Jews return to England, after a ban of 365 years.
During the late 19th century grooming of the USA for its role as Glafia’s fourth – and again Protestant - hegemon, pogroms against Jews began taking place in the Russian Empire: in about 250 pogroms (1881-82), some 25 Jews perished, a relatively small number in a country of 170 million people. Prof. John Doyle Klier (in Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881-2) asserts that “contemporary research has dispelled the myth that Russian officials were responsible for instigating, permitting, or approving the pogroms”.
In 1904, the American/Jewish banker Jacob Schiff (a Glafia pawn) openly financed the Japanese Empire with 200 million dollars to debilitate Tsarist Russia via the Russo-Japanese War. John Hays Hammond commented:
“Mr. Schiff has done more to accentuate the troubles of his [Jewish] co-religionists in Russia than any other one man, because of his boastful statement that the money of Jewish bankers had made it possible for Japan to wage a successful war against Russia.”
The logical anti-Semitic reaction in Russia then provided the justification for the emigration of 2.5 million Russian Jews, mostly to the USA. Note that the instigation of anti-Semitism is done routinely by Glafia and its Zionist proxies, see K.R. Bolton’s Anti-Semitism: Cui Bono? That’s because anti-Semitism is the only justification for Zionism, something that Zionism founder Theodor Herzl understood very well.
This Jewish migration to the US was likely another Glafia-instigated operation to “to move its Jews to the next project”, to create a large force of potential Jewish proxies for their USA hegemon project. It was very similar to earlier operations in Holland and England, where recently immigrated Jews boosted the economy during their hegemonic period. There is also a striking analogy with the 20th century persecution and banning of Jews from Germany and some other European countries, discussed under 4).
In the US, part of the Jewish immigrants were trained (on Rockefeller grounds in NY) to lead the Bolshevist Revolution of 1917 in Russia (see “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish”), where they became responsible for the killing of dozens of millions of Christian Russians. This is amongst others confirmed by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his suppressed book Two Hundred Years Together, and by Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat (an 8 minute must-see video). Jewish banker Jacob Schiff commented:
The Russian revolution is possibly the most important event in Jewish history since the race was brought out of slavery [from Babylon].
A few decades later, this US immigration resulted in a strong Jewish/Israel lobby, a significant Jewish electorate and several fierce Jewish organizations and corporations in the US: ideal Glafia proxies, sometimes called “the fifth column”. The term ZOG is now also used (Zionist Occupied Government), although I would prefer P(redator)OG, as I will try to explain in this paper.
3) Perversion of the Jewish religion
Glafia's spiritual war against humanity also included attempts to pervert religions, including Judaism. False messiah Sabbatai Zevi is just one, 17th century example of the perversion of Judaism financed by rich Jews, which almost brought down Judaism. His followers, the Sabbatean Frankists, are apparently still influential. It is important to understand that the original versions of Judaism, like Neturei Karta, do not support Zionism. For more information, see To Eliminate the Opiate, two books by Rabbi M. Antelman.
4) Zionism: when Glafia forced “their” Jews to Palestine
Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan:it is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon.
Louis B. Marshall (in 1918), counsel to bankers Kuhn-Loeb, Rothschild USA agents
Originally, Zionism was a plan to bring all Jews from the unsafe diaspora into one safe country. Of all options, Palestine was the craziest, a guarantee for interminable disaster, and at the time most Jews and non-Jews understood that and opposed it. The movement was soon hijacked by the Rothschilds, who wanted a secular, Masonic/Sabbatean Jewish state (later evidenced by exuberant Masonic symbolism in the Supreme Court buildings they donated to Israel). They had indeed a “far-reaching plan”: the 20th century conquest of all 13 empires of Eurasia, to complete their control of ALL LANDS.
Probably as the culmination of the Bible project that was started 270 BC in Alexandria, the Rothschilds managed to weaponize many of the common Jews, by duping them into their “Zionist/Communist” twin projects. Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann would threaten opponents with “a destructive power which will overthrow the world”. In October 1917, Glafia released that revolutionary force in Russia, causing a horrid, large-scale genocide of Christians, largely by Jews (see section 2).
Under Rothschild funding, “The Land”, and not the protection or survival of the European Jews, became the single, hidden goal of the Zionists: “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews of Poland” and "The more slaughter, the easier we'll get The Land" (Zionist Y. Gruenbaum, 1943). Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld, in his book Holocaust Victims Accuse, concluded that "the Zionist wolf was appointed by beasts of prey [Jewish bankers] to serve as shepherd for a flock of [Jewish] sheep". (On Zionist crimes, see also Ben Hecht's Perfidy).
Hitler was a project of these predators (R.K. Moore), but he was a dupe, not an agent (Jim MacGregor in his upcoming book Two World Wars and Hitler): he employed many (partly) Jewish people (“Mishlinge”) in his armies; and he organized emigration of many German elite Jews to Palestine, via the Ha'avara program. Nazi Germany also persecuted and killed the orthodox "Schnorrers" (old and poor Jews), whom the Rothschilds so despised and didn't want in Palestine: both effects greatly benefited the then ailing Rothschild’s Zionist project. Note that orthodox Jews were special targets in the concentration camps, at some point even persecuted and mistreated by hundreds of planted Jewish Kapo's (Rabbi M. Shonfeld).
By design, the “safe country” became unsafe. Forcing millions of Jews into Palestine, which they had secretly predestined as a WAR state, was a certain recipe for eternal disaster. Yet that was exactly the aim of the Rothschild's secret plan. In the new ghetto, surrounded by constant threats, their favorite proxies would slowly de-humanize. This term was used by Dutch Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer, who first saw how the Germans in the camps became de-humanized, and then how the same happened to the Jews in Israel. That's how you train fighting dogs, by poking them when they're caged!
Let there be no doubt: if you and I had lived our whole lives under such fearful circumstances, we would behave in the same, de-humanized, way. As a side effect, the dreadful situation in Israel made Jewish culture and religion everywhere in the world degenerate into a “cult of The Land” (Moshe Menuhin, The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism).
The Zionist ruse was to portray Israel as a legitimate nation, while its prime Glafia task, the aggressive destabilization of the Middle East, was sold as “self-defense” (later lavishly subsidized by Glafia’s US hegemon). That explains for example why settler state Israel created its Muslim enemy Hamas, later propped up by the Saudis and Qatar, officially Israel’s enemies, but secretly playing in cahoots with the Jewish state – all being Glafia’s proxies.
A century ago, Sir Ronald Storrs, the first British Governor of Jerusalem, already understood what a “Jewish homeland” in Palestine meant for the British: “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism”. Ulster, in Catholic Northern Ireland, was a classic example of divide-and-rule, the old control trick of empires. A minority group of British Protestants was planted in Ulster, and then privileged over the original Catholic inhabitants. The rest is history, and a very ugly one. Present mass migrations follow a similar template.
A few of the many examples in the last 60 years of “the convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon” are:
· In 1963, when US president JFK tried to end Israel/Rothschild’s secret nuclear project, he literally paid the head price (L. Guyénot, Kennedy, an Israeli perspective).
· In 1967, in a false flag operation, the Six-Day War, Israel occupied foreign territory in Egypt (until today!). It also got away with its attack on the USS Liberty, killing 34 Americans.
· In 2001, Israel’s fingerprints were all over 9/11, and the planned War on Terror which followed.
· Purely for opportunistic reasons, the Zionists, atheists to a man, defended their project by waving the Bible, to gain support of the millions of Christian Zionists (a parallel project which Glafia had started in the early 19th century, including the Scofield Bible).
The tiny Israeli proxy state is now the world’s fifth military power. Its illegal nuclear arms were never inspected by the UN. The millions of Jews duped or forced to go to Israel never saw a day of peace. Nor did the Palestinians, who saw their lives, their ancient lands, houses and olive trees, and their freedom and future destroyed. WAR and TERROR state Israel, founded on deceit (see R. Bergman, Rise and Kill First; Thomas Suarez, State of Terror), and extreme violence even against anti-Zionist Jews (see Palestine Hijacked and books by N. Giladi and Avi Shlaim) is just a human shield for the bankers, immune via the popular anti-Semitism trick ("We do it all the time" - Israeli minister S. Aloni).
Once you understand the enormity of the negative impact on the common Jews these lying bankers had - by pretending to be Jewish and to strive for Jewish supremacy over the world, just to lure in the deluded Jewish commoners as proxies for their nefarious plans - the following Bible texts make sense:
“Oh, my people! They who guide you lead you astray.” Isaiah 3:12
“... those of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars.” Revelation 3:9
Note that the Glafia core certainly comprises families from Jewish descent, but “by their fruits you will know them” - Mathew 7:16. Ultra-rich “alleged Jews” responsible for mass expulsions or genocide of common Jews are not the same species as the “sheep”, as Rabbi Shonfeld stated: he called them “beast of prey”, and their Zionist proxies “wolves”. To further their Eurasia project, the Jewish bankers misled the Zionists and lavishly financed Hitler, who then allowed the common Jews to become sacrificial lambs.
To cover up this horrific story and the Jewish proxy role in Glafia’s domination project, Zionism, Israel, the Holocaust and international Jewry are now a “third rail”, very dangerous to touch, with legal protection in more and more countries. That makes Jews the ideal Glafia proxies for well visible positions and overt operations: all critique or critics can then immediately be neutralized, as anti-Semitic or hateful anti-Semites.
But please, do not focus exclusively on the Jewish proxies: all nations, political parties, NGO's, and people of all colors, sexes, genders, religions and ethnicities now play proxy roles for the Predators, yet often in more covert operations.
As for the “Jewish sheep”, why was there such a hurry to turn so many Israelis into Pfizer lab rats? Because lying proxy Jews heading the Pharmafia, like Albert Bourla, said so? They knew the mRNA jabs didn't work and were very dangerous, yet applied them on a massive scale, especially in Israel. See Pfizer Documents Prove Mass Murder, says Naomi Wolf: she calls it the greatest crime in the history of humanity, as it involves billions of real and potential victims. Just as in other Glafia wars, the perpetrators are honored as liberators: Pfizer director Bourla, the "health champion", was given the 2022 Genesis Prize, the "Jewish Nobel Prize"!
To end on a sad note on this enormous tragedy (my words):
If all talents, efforts and capital had been put into an Israeli PEACE state, instead of this Israeli WAR state, not Yinon’s Greater Israel Plan, but a Garden of Roses would now stretch from the Nile to the Euphrates.
The future of Israel and Zionism
For over a century, Argentina’s Patagonia province has been gradually bought up by ultra-rich Zionists, see Whitney Webb’s article. This is seen as a “fall back” policy, a provision in case the Israel project would fail. The fact that Argentina’s new president Milei is a fervent Zionist who recently converted to Judaism is food for thoughts that the Israeli settler state might soon vanish. Such worries are increased by reports that Jews are returning to Romania (a country bordering Ukraine) and buying up large properties and buildings in Costa Rica. As always, the very rich Jews have foreknowledge and are the first to leave the sinking ship, or to prepare for it. The common Israelis have nowhere to go and will have to abide their fate.
Besides, persistent rumors exist about a sinister goal of the Ukraine war: an Israel 2.0 plan, a “second homeland” in Ukraine, “The New Heavenly Jerusalem”, in Russian occupied territory. Will Putin – controlled by oligarchs, most of them Jewish - one day make a “grandiose humanitarian gesture” and give away part of Russian occupied Ukraine to the Jews? Will the Ukrainians become the new Palestinians? Zelensky has openly announced that the future Ukraine is going to be organized as a military state like Israel (Haaretz).
Presently, the Western-led phase of the global domination project is being ended, an enormous paradigm shift. It is important to realize that the Spanish, Dutch, British and American empires were just disposable partners in crime, as are the Zionists: Glafia and its Satanic bankers are The Real Empire. Always remember Shakespeare’s words: “All the world’s a stage”. The dynastic, fake Jewish (by their fruits) Glafia families were never bound to any religion, nation or ethnicity. For purely opportunistic reasons, they are now going ahead with Asian proxies, under the shiny but fake “multipolar” brand, led by China and assisted by Russia, countries which Glafia prepared for more than a century.
The end of Glafia’s centuries long confidence game with the West is shattering the wealth, dreams and culture of the Western world, now under a program of controlled demolition. Its progressive disarray has led to an “abnormal normal”, where symbols and symptoms of decay – such as a demented man and a blithering idiot pretending to be US (vice)president - are no longer reported by the Glafia-controlled Western media.
A similar fate as the West awaits the de-humanized Israeli state and Zionism, once essential Glafia proxies, which will be of little use in the new Asian cycle. When the USA collapses, its aid to Israel will too. Will Zionism disappear completely, or will its seedlings spring up in Patagonia or Ukraine?
Note that already in 2012, Henry Kissinger was heard saying: "In ten years Israel will be gone", which a spokesman later denied. And in 2022, former Israeli premier Ehud Barak expressed concern that Israel will cease to exist before the 80th anniversary of its 1948 establishment. Why did he address this to the general public? One in four Israelis apparently think the same and prefer to leave the country, says Haaretz (poll from July 2024).
During Israel’s end phase, its crazy, dehumanized leaders may activate the apocalyptic Samson Option: like preplaced Israeli nuclear bombs going off in Western capitals – probably followed by the largest round ever of “sacrificing the Jewish lambs”. Again, the tears of the Jewish and other leaders for the victims will be for public consumption only.
Let’s end this ugly story with Israeli historian Ilan Pappé (August 2024):
I’m 100% convinced we are at the midst of the last chapter in this Zionist project in Palestine. And last chapters are violent, they are decolonization kind of chapters. I’m worried and at the same time I’m more hopeful for the long distance.
Subscriber Otways just wrote me:
"From what I have seen and heard from the reviews and from your articles this is a very timely and important book. The pursuit of knowledge is always a matter of mining the detail in order to observe connctions and collect elusive fragments. Looking forward to the journey."
This is an excellent and very thorough overview. Jews are, like all other religions, used as pawns in the larger globalist control plan. The MrNA injections and the green pass instituted in Israel should have made clear that they were willing to sacrifice Jewish people too. I likewise have wondered if they have been turning Ukraine into a barren depopulated wasteland in order to build a new homeland there.
I'm thrilled to see some writers going beyond the simplified narrative...