Brilliant article - I always wonder if all the puppets know they're puppets. They seem to pick narcissists as they're easy to control, but do they all know? The trouble with being a useful idiot, is that once you're no longer useful...you're just an idiot. A dead one.

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“The issue is not that power corrupts, it’s that power attracts those who are easily corrupted.” {Max Igan (2024)}

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They are always on the lookout for talent they can use. They prefer to get their proxies from "the families" (peerage, nobility, jewish, gangster families like in the case of Trump, Bush, Biden). Then they make you blackmailabe with your personal actions during their parties etc.

Once they have brought you in power, they can also blackmail you by pulling the financial or economic rug on which they have placed your country. Forgot to mention this last part in the article.

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As I see it, the trick is in not being ashamed of one's actions, and not performing actions that disgrace one; then because of one's shame allowing one's self to be compromised. In point of fact... There's no shame in grabbing a woman by her pussy if she throws that pussy in your face, likes it being grabbed, and then asks for more. Their ability to Blackmail only has the power that you give it.

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yes but verbs like to trick, to dupe, to walk in a trap and last but not least to drug are there for a reason

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Like I said... the operative word is "shame"... and to avoid shame requires integrity and personal honor... albeit, qualities lacking in the political class... and for the greater part of our society as a whole... and I'll agree with you that that's the predominant reason such people are chosen as vassals of power... e.g., their very lack of integrity and personal honor.

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I'd say it's power that selects the already corrupt and grooms/cheats the naive mark into being corrupted. Once they have something on you, you'll happily play the marionette - pirouetting for dear life...all the way to the grave you dug yourself.

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I agree, see my comment above

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Couldn't agree more.

Those who seek power must first sell their soul to Lucifer, “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” ~ the god of Masonry; polluted with Kabbalistic abominations derived from Jewish captivity in ancient Babylon. Paedophilia is a preferred weakness 'qualifying' candidates for high office.

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Great writing again Mees. worth the wait! And lots of informative links. Thanks.

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The truth can be so depressing! Yet, there's a saying I think is appropriate for the situation the world is in "Blessed Are Those Who Plant Trees Under Whose Shade They Will Never Sit". For me that means while it can all seem too big and overwhelming and that I many not see the change in my own lifetime, I can start the work now in bringing humaneness back to humanity in how I choose to live my life and treat others. Also, the quote of the "truth will set you free" needs to be rewritten to "The truth will set you free, but not before it scares the crap out of you, has you wanting to put your head in the sand and fingers in your ears, has you wanting to be taken away by aliens, has you so angry you're about to explode and then you realise what you are in control of and what you are not and get on with living a moral life, then you are free"

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This is like All the World's a Stage, So Ugly It's Hard To Believe Edition. God it makes a depressing picture. I wish I didn't now think you are right.

If this is all true, is enough of humanity ready now to see the truth? And if we are ready, are we able to untie millions of tentacles wrapped around everything without them nuking us?

Maybe the woo-woo people I like watching on YouTube are right and the sun of God will send a grid-fritz to the earth, a love bomb of light to end the kali yuga's despots and we start again. Maybe the ETs will come and assist us with manna and medbeds. Still, seems a lot of waste of suffering, this setup, if you ask me. I am not incarnating back on this fucking planet again, beautiful as she is, unless it's less of a children's playground next time 🙃

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To quote from your article ~ "Of course not, all common people want to live in peace."

Is this possible? Or are we just free-range humans on a tax farm? Or worse yet, human lab rats in an alien vivisection experiment?

If you understand you are in a digital prison, the truth does not set you free.

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Yes it does, because you then do something about it. Get off the electoral register and stop voting, stop paying tax (oligarchs manage it in Trusts), create your own money supply (gold/silver/local currency/promissory notes and bills of exchange - all legal 'currencies') and start a multi-stakeholder limited liability community co-op to fund local (and regional) projects (including energy) which councils are supposed to but don't. We are suffocating under layers of 'financing' we don't need. We need numbers.

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God bless you my friend. May it come to pass ~ amen. ✝♥️

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agreed Mark.

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The Gods of the Copybook Headings – Rudyard Kipling 1919

As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,

I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.

Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.


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Yes, I think you're probably right about most, if not all, of what you're writing about, but what do we actually do about it? What are the actions that we could actually take, that would make a difference?

Options that seem good to me:

- Develop yourself spiritually/mentally (EFT, Joe Dispenza meditations etc)

- Become self-sufficient so that you can live even when the digital ID comes

- Develop local communities

- Develop fully decentralized and uncontrollable alternative digital structures, such as decentralized AI, bitcoin use, bitcoin-based ID

- Improve your health through sunlight (see Jack Kruse), healthy mineral-rich food (see John Kempf/advancing eco-agriculture, Dan Kittredge, Joel Salatin and many others)

What do you guys think?

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Yes to all of the above. If we get off their monetary supply - atrophy will be our friend. Local currencies, bills of exchange, promissory notes, gold/silver and skills. Forget Bitcoin. If 11 people own 85% of Bitcoin it can be manipulated.

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It has been suggested that “All technology comes from demonic super-intelligences, taught to humans to facilitate our destruction.”{@holowsun}

I do not believe we can escape a Global Digital Prison by using advanced digital technology.

Other than that, your comments are spot on. : )

Don’t be scared; be prepared.

Secure yourself and your family

Secure your water supply

Grow your own food, or buy from a nearby farmer you trust

Get rid of attachments and addictions

Build your physical, mental, and emotional strength

Focus on your spirituality

Forget about banks, fiat currencies and government services – none of it will exist anymore

God bless.

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Esteemed brother @Mees if you want to access my book contents, I am posting regularly on my https://substack.com/resilienciero (I know you had issues downloading in Cost Rica).

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Still have a problem believing that a group of narrisist, sociopaths, phycopaths can keep their shit together over decades without imploding. Defies human nature.

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Hi Peter

Yes, it is very difficult to grasp. In my book, available on this site (under Book Download) I present a coherent analysis, which gradually build up the story from 500 years ago to now. According to many readers, it lifts the fog of history.

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This article is nonsense. Anthony Sutton is a liar and a quack. Some actual source material beyond Sutton is missing

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So what's missing?

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You mean you didn't understand it? Make a man stupid, make a man angry....

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Some claim the choice is: control the technology or it will control us.

Way, way too late - the world is already full of mindless tech-addicts now!

Who will scramble for the latest tech-toy available even if it kills them!

Get rid of your tech-toys - they are killing you!

Nah I can't - I gotta live!

Carry on regardless then.

There is a third choice - reject the technology outright for very good reasons.

Nah that's not realistic, responsible, sane, practical!

Embrace the technology - but only use it for good!

Absolutely no hope of that!

We lost this battle in the Garden of Eden long ago - real or metaphorical!

The choice has not changed.

And never will.

The only real choice we have is to change ourselves.

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Do the Rothschilds go out for breakfast?

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No. Room service.

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